music is a love language

A simple yet intricate painting on a harmonic canvas becomes a rhymic creation.

where it all starts.

It’s 2016, I remember when a generation full of new artists released masterpieces. Songs, albums, and Eps grabbed my attention giving me a natural body high. For once, I was understood by melodic vibrations & simple poetry. Captivated by the essence of love, culture, and people, drove me to not only make a difference in my mind but in my reality.

how it became to be.

The exchange of one song could be the start of an unstoppable connection. The bond becomes ten times stronger when empathy decides to take a deeper insight.

You sent me the first song of many. You told me with confidence “I know you're gonna understand.” Understand? After finally sitting with a glimpse of your mind, our connection to music evolved.

This sense of hearing not only stimulated the dopamine in my mind but the energy of my body.
As I listen to your songs alone, I’m faced with an unspoken energy, released through simple tunes and deep expressions. This fills the blanks of lingering questions congested in my mind, connecting all the dots of your past to your present.

Only now, I realize when music is heard together, the real connection occurs. As a sacred song is shared and listened to in the same presence, at that moment we choose to fully immerse ourselves in the euphoric sound, deeply rooted in our core. In return, shifts our experience into an untouchable memory.

how It communicates:

Suddenly, when emotions become unbearable, an instant sound automatically relaxes my being with an effortless sentence or a complex word. Giving me an unconscious ease of clarity.
Sharing a song from your past felt like being submerged in a significant timeline in your life. A past song captivated a deceased version that you no longer exist with.

Playing back a sacred memory only enhances how much you and I value one another.

As I listen to the melody, I capture your story of unfiltered thoughts and unexplainable emotions on a daily basis. Immediately, I’ve become enticed.

Your memories illustrate a beautiful yet agonizing journey.

the love:

Forever a profound art, music will be my first love.

An energetic sensation arises when we obsess over music with one another, a soul connection. We see and feel the music with the same understanding. Giving us an opportunity to exchange infinite tunes with constant compassion.

It starts with my willingness to be open and present with your music, especially if it’s unfamiliar.
Thoughtful listening always goes a long way as I start to mentally prepare for my chaotic and intelligent mind.

Once we experience the music together, we go through the journey alongside each other. Creating an unexplainable bond, making it hard to resist one another.

Intrigued, I start to formulate these ideas of you. Influenced by your choice of music. You open a new state of flow in my mind cultivated by your way of listening to music. You’ve now become a part of me.
Before I even knew it, I was already in love with the idea of you.


Everyone knows an “idea” is the cause of a shattered heart. You’ve become unrealistic and forget the unstable reality of it all. They may be strongly fond of timeless compositions, but the same feelings are no longer present when they carry themselves in the real world.

Through a harsh and brutal society, I know they can persevere through it all. Yet, you choose not to. The idea all along was potential.

The potential is accumulated in certain aspects I see in myself. I yearn for the day I no longer see your potential but rather witness you act on your true purpose. Your real purpose to live.

I always end up telling myself…
Everything that you have done has led you to this moment, even if it was disappointing in the end.

just a perspective:

These words are the lens of what I see through my universe. In the end, we all have a unique perspective of why music is important to us in partnerships & friendships.

These are just the day-to-day dissections of why music is a love language.

